" markdown_bujo.vim - A minimalist todo list manager
" Maintainer: Jersey Fonseca
" Version: 0.5
" SearchCheck() searches for whether or not BujoCheck... was called on a
" checked or unchecked task. We need to call search() twice with and without
" the 'b' tag because search() only allows you to search forward or backwards,
" not both ways.
" search() returns 0 if it the pattern was not found
function SearchCheck()
return (search('\[\]', 'nc', line('.')) || search('\[\]', 'nbc', line('.')))
" Edit markdown lists
" Add and remove bullets with ease
" If we are already checked then we uncheck
nnoremap BujoChecknormal SearchCheck() ? ':.s/\[\]/\[x\]' : ':.s/\[x\]/\[\]'
nnoremap BujoAddnormal i-[]
inoremap BujoAddinsert -[]
inoremap BujoCheckinsert SearchCheck() ? ':.s/\[\]/\[x\]' : ':.s/\[x\]/\[\]'