# vim-bujo This plugin allows people to easily access and manage a minimalist todo list from vim. ## Installation If you use a plugin manager, such as [vim-plug], follow its instructions on how to install plugins from github. To install the stable version of the plugin, if using [vim-plug], put this in your `vimrc`/`init.vim`: ``` Plug 'vuciv/vim-bujo' ``` ## Use / Mappings * Run: ``` :Todo ``` * Insert a new task: ``` nmap BujoAddnormal imap BujoAddinsert ``` * Check off a task: ``` nmap BujoChecknormal imap BujoCheckinsert ``` **NOTE: These are my default keys. Some terminals do not register these keys the same. For example, reddit user u/CoolioDude noted "for example, my terminal emulator sees enter, control-enter, and shift-enter as the same key." If this does not work, you will need to choose your own mappings. If anyone has suggestions for a new default mapping, please let me know!** * Change cache directory: ``` let g:bujo#todo_file_path = $HOME . "/.cache/bujo" ``` ## Screenshots This gif shows how the TODO list opens up in vim. ![Gif of Bujo use](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jfonseca8/vim-bujo/master/screenshots/bujo.gif) We can also see that the task list is very easy to manage. The ascii art is inserted manually, but you can do that yourself with the file 'templates/md.skeleton' ## Notes Feedback and bug reports are welcomed and encouraged. If you want new features, please do let me know. I would be honored at the opportunity to make a tool better for the community. I built this because I wanted the ease of vim bindings with the benefits of keeping a todo list on hand. It is very simple and minimialist. I plan to add diary capabilities, calendar views, history, and all the fun little quotes and activities that make actual bullet journaling fun! If you would like to work on this project with me, please reach out to me on [twitter] [twitter]: https://twitter.com/FonsecaJersey [vim-plug]: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug