# New Start: A modern Arch workflow built with an emphasis on functionality. # Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Donovan Glover # NOTE: This file is automatically generated by pywal. Do not edit it by hand. set font "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono 8" # Use Hack as our font of choice #set guioptions "v" # Show a "progress bar" when scrolling up/down set adjust-open "width" # Make documents take up all the available space by default set statusbar-basename "true" # When using the status bar, show the basename only set selection-clipboard clipboard set render-loading "false" # Do not show the "loading" text set scroll-step "120" # Increase the scroll distance when using j/k set recolor "false" # Use our theme colors ( for the original document colors) # [colors] set default-bg "#f3f4f5" set default-fg "#2f2f2f" set statusbar-bg "#f3f4f5" set statusbar-fg "#2f2f2f" set inputbar-bg "#f3f4f5" set inputbar-fg "#2f2f2f" set notification-bg "#f3f4f5" set notification-fg "#2f2f2f" set notification-error-bg "#f3f4f5" set notification-error-fg "#2f2f2f" set notification-warning-bg "#f3f4f5" set notification-warning-fg "#2f2f2f" set highlight-color "#CD7860" set highlight-active-color "#7A9388" set completion-bg "#CD7860" set completion-fg "#7A9388" set completion-highlight-bg "#CD7860" set completion-highlight-fg "#7A9388" set recolor-lightcolor "#000000" set recolor-darkcolor "#ffffff"