path: root/weechat/.weechat/logs/irc.lunarbnc.##linux.weechatlog
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'weechat/.weechat/logs/irc.lunarbnc.##linux.weechatlog')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/weechat/.weechat/logs/irc.lunarbnc.##linux.weechatlog b/weechat/.weechat/logs/irc.lunarbnc.##linux.weechatlog
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bbeb41..0000000
--- a/weechat/.weechat/logs/irc.lunarbnc.##linux.weechatlog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
12020-03-13 13:30:22 → fd0e ( has joined ##linux
22020-03-13 13:30:22 i Topic for ##linux is "Channel website: | Pastebin: "<command> | nc 9999" | Need an op? Join ##linux-ops"
32020-03-13 13:30:22 i Topic set by sauvin on Wed, 08 Jan 2020 13:39:39
42020-03-13 13:30:22 i Channel ##linux: 1896 nicks (0 ops, 0 voices, 1896 normals)
52020-03-13 13:30:22 *** Buffer Playback...
62020-03-13 13:30:22 rouji does the graphical thing also show flatpaks or something?
72020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras culver!~lz@ quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
82020-03-13 13:30:22 gambl0re
92020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras DarkTrick! joined
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132020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras Freejack_!~quassel@unaffiliated/freejack quit: Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.
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272020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras deicide-!~deicide-@unaffiliated/deicide- quit: Remote host closed the connection
282020-03-13 13:30:22 currybullen gambl0re: output of 'dnf search firefox'?
292020-03-13 13:30:22 currybullen gambl0re: it may be as rouji says, that the graphical software installer also shows flatpaks (maybe even snaps if you've got snapd installed)
302020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras nlpqda!~kwz@unaffiliated/nlpqda quit: Quit: Lost terminal
312020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras psutcliffe!~psutcliff@2a00:801:205:660a:5455:d2d0:8884:6f28 joined
322020-03-13 13:30:22 currybullen hence it would show the snap, flatpak and rpm versions of firefox
332020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras swift110!~swift110@unaffiliated/swift110 quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
342020-03-13 13:30:22 akik why on earth would you hide that information ???
352020-03-13 13:30:22 gambl0re
362020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras otisolsen71! joined
372020-03-13 13:30:22 akik in trying to make the system usable for normal people, you crap on the advanced users
382020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras acelogic2!~acelogic@ joined
392020-03-13 13:30:22 rouji the 4th one is oddly specific
402020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras arptiw!~Thunderbi@ quit: Quit: arptiw
412020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras cmj!~c@2603:3023:30a:f300::c0ff:ee quit: Ping timeout: 272 seconds
422020-03-13 13:30:22 gambl0re i know right
432020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras cmj!~c@2603:3023:30a:f300::c0ff:ee joined
442020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras TheFuzzball!~TheFuzzba@ joined
452020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras InspectorCluseau! joined
462020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras acelogic!~acelogic@ quit: Ping timeout: 265 seconds
472020-03-13 13:30:22 currybullen gambl0re: i'm not sure exactly how the kde software gui works, i'm on fedora 31 gnome and their software gui doesn't display any flatpaks or snaps at least
482020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras DarkTrick! quit: Ping timeout: 258 seconds
492020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras Neo-Andersson! joined
502020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras otisolsen71! quit: Ping timeout: 268 seconds
512020-03-13 13:30:22 currybullen gambl0re: look through the settings, maybe check that 'sources' button thats on the lower left in the screenshot you sent and see if you can find any references to flatkap or snap. you can also ask in #plasma
522020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras self!~elf@unaffiliated/elf joined
532020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras AquaL1te!~AquaL1te@unaffiliated/aqual1te joined
542020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras MonoMonkey! joined
552020-03-13 13:30:22 *buffextras Your_Dog!677b294b@unaffiliated/your-dog/x-6037946 quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
562020-03-13 13:30:22 *** Playback Complete.
572020-03-13 13:30:22 i Channel created on Sat, 10 Feb 2001 04:46:24
582020-03-13 13:31:18 → slash_ ( has joined ##linux
592020-03-13 13:31:50 ← bunnypuncher ( has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
602020-03-13 13:33:02 ← ijens (~ijens@unaffiliated/ijens) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
612020-03-13 13:33:48 → Whirled420_ ( has joined ##linux
622020-03-13 13:33:52 → peetaur ( has joined ##linux
632020-03-13 13:34:13 ← Whirled420 ( has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
642020-03-13 13:35:26 ← ghostzec (ghostzec@gateway/vpn/mullvad/ghostzec) has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
652020-03-13 13:35:46 → ImQ009 (~ImQ009@unaffiliated/imq009) has joined ##linux
662020-03-13 13:37:13 → cs02rm0 ( has joined ##linux
672020-03-13 13:37:18 ← Artistics (~Artistics@unaffiliated/user49) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
682020-03-13 13:37:22 → drzacek ( has joined ##linux
692020-03-13 13:37:29 ← knidos (~knidos@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
702020-03-13 13:38:07 ← JanC (~janc@lugwv/member/JanC) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
712020-03-13 13:39:07 ← cliluw (~cliluw@unaffiliated/cliluw) has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
722020-03-13 13:39:10 ← linelevel_ (linelevel@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/linelevel) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
732020-03-13 13:39:19 → chap (~chap@unaffiliated/chap) has joined ##linux
742020-03-13 13:39:40 ← Neo-Andersson ( has quit (Quit: Bye, bye.)
752020-03-13 13:39:50 → linelevel (linelevel@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/linelevel) has joined ##linux
762020-03-13 13:40:10 → Artistics (~Artistics@unaffiliated/user49) has joined ##linux
772020-03-13 13:40:20 i irc: disconnected from server
782020-03-13 13:40:32 → fd0e ( has joined ##linux
792020-03-13 13:40:32 i Topic for ##linux is "Channel website: | Pastebin: "<command> | nc 9999" | Need an op? Join ##linux-ops"
802020-03-13 13:40:32 i Topic set by sauvin on Wed, 08 Jan 2020 13:39:39
812020-03-13 13:40:32 i Channel ##linux: 1893 nicks (0 ops, 0 voices, 1893 normals)
822020-03-13 13:40:32 *** Buffer Playback...
832020-03-13 13:40:32 *buffextras acelogic2!~acelogic@ quit: Ping timeout: 268 seconds
842020-03-13 13:40:32 psutcliffe ZombieChicken, no. they're just morons
852020-03-13 13:40:32 *buffextras HerbY_NL2!~HerbY_NL2@2001:67c:2564:518:3cb5:89c:bd27:ee69 quit: Quit: Leaving
862020-03-13 13:40:32 psutcliffe they don't want to sit around with shitty butts when the world economy collapses
872020-03-13 13:40:32 *** Playback Complete.
882020-03-13 13:40:34 → knidos (~knidos@ has joined ##linux
892020-03-13 13:40:40 i Channel created on Sat, 10 Feb 2001 04:46:24
902020-03-13 13:41:00 → ArchitectZ ( has joined ##linux
912020-03-13 13:41:06 ← knidos (~knidos@ has quit (Client Quit)
922020-03-13 13:42:10 → Jackneill (~Jackneill@unaffiliated/jackneill) has joined ##linux
932020-03-13 13:42:19 ← gkamathe (~gkamathe@unaffiliated/gkamathe) has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
942020-03-13 13:43:26 → cgp (~Thunderbi@ has joined ##linux
952020-03-13 13:44:28 ← ArchitectZ ( has quit (Client Quit)
962020-03-13 13:44:35 ← Beam_Inn (~Beam_Inn@unaffiliated/beam-inn/x-3943829) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
972020-03-13 13:44:54 → ArchitectZ ( has joined ##linux
982020-03-13 13:45:22 ← instantp10neer (~instantp1@unaffiliated/instantp10neer) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
992020-03-13 13:47:06 → operateur (~operateur@ has joined ##linux
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1012020-03-13 13:47:47 ← Data909 ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1022020-03-13 13:48:07 → z8z ( has joined ##linux
1032020-03-13 13:48:22 → makaveli7 (~makaveli7@unaffiliated/makaveli7) has joined ##linux
1042020-03-13 13:49:37 ← snimavat (~snimavat@ has quit (Quit: snimavat)
1052020-03-13 13:49:48 → _0xDEADBEEF ( has joined ##linux
1062020-03-13 13:51:09 gambl0re currybullen: i think its getting packages from snap and flatpak
1072020-03-13 13:51:18 → tsaka__ (~torstein@2a02:587:8102:ca00:145e:52a9:485a:3afa) has joined ##linux
1082020-03-13 13:52:09 ← dmo139 (~dmo@2a02:8071:3e87:700:6d17:4e3b:233b:b4b9) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1092020-03-13 13:52:15 currybullen gambl0re: well there's the explanation then :)
1102020-03-13 13:52:26 ← peetaur ( has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
1112020-03-13 13:53:08 → Beam_Inn (~Beam_Inn@unaffiliated/beam-inn/x-3943829) has joined ##linux
1122020-03-13 13:53:16 → peetaur ( has joined ##linux
1132020-03-13 13:53:19 → ignapk (sid413777@gateway/web/ has joined ##linux
1142020-03-13 13:53:30 ← hekel (~hekel@unaffiliated/hekel) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
1152020-03-13 13:53:53 ← Necktwi (~necktwi@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1162020-03-13 13:54:04 → bomb-on ( has joined ##linux
1172020-03-13 13:54:17 i irc: disconnected from server
1182020-03-13 13:54:46 → fd0e ( has joined ##linux
1192020-03-13 13:54:46 i Topic for ##linux is "Channel website: | Pastebin: "<command> | nc 9999" | Need an op? Join ##linux-ops"
1202020-03-13 13:54:46 i Topic set by sauvin on Wed, 08 Jan 2020 13:39:39
1212020-03-13 13:55:03 i Channel ##linux: 1895 nicks (0 ops, 0 voices, 1895 normals)
1222020-03-13 13:55:17 → hekel (~hekel@unaffiliated/hekel) has joined ##linux
1232020-03-13 13:56:04 i Channel created on Sat, 10 Feb 2001 04:46:24
1242020-03-13 13:56:04 → fivegruel ( has joined ##linux
1252020-03-13 13:56:04 → cschneid ( has joined ##linux
1262020-03-13 13:56:04 i irc: disconnected from server
1272020-03-13 13:56:15 → fd0e ( has joined ##linux
1282020-03-13 13:56:15 i Topic for ##linux is "Channel website: | Pastebin: "<command> | nc 9999" | Need an op? Join ##linux-ops"
1292020-03-13 13:56:15 i Topic set by sauvin on Wed, 08 Jan 2020 13:39:39
1302020-03-13 13:56:16 i Channel ##linux: 1898 nicks (0 ops, 0 voices, 1898 normals)
1312020-03-13 13:56:23 i Channel created on Sat, 10 Feb 2001 04:46:24
1322020-03-13 13:56:48 ← cschneid_ ( has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
1332020-03-13 13:57:17 → horseface (~horseface@unaffiliated/horseface) has joined ##linux
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1352020-03-13 13:59:31 ← daex (daex@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/daex) has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
1362020-03-13 13:59:31 ← psutcliffe (~psutcliff@2a00:801:205:660a:5455:d2d0:8884:6f28) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
1372020-03-13 13:59:31 → Necktwi (~necktwi@ has joined ##linux
1382020-03-13 13:59:31 i irc: disconnected from server
1392020-03-13 14:01:52 → fd0e ( has joined ##linux
1402020-03-13 14:01:52 i Topic for ##linux is "Channel website: | Pastebin: "<command> | nc 9999" | Need an op? Join ##linux-ops"
1412020-03-13 14:01:52 i Topic set by sauvin on Wed, 08 Jan 2020 13:39:39
1422020-03-13 14:01:52 i Channel ##linux: 1899 nicks (0 ops, 0 voices, 1899 normals)
1432020-03-13 14:01:52 *** Buffer Playback...
1442020-03-13 14:01:52 *buffextras vqrs!~vqrs@learnprogramming/regular/vqrs quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds
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1532020-03-13 14:01:52 *** Playback Complete.
1542020-03-13 14:02:00 i Channel created on Sat, 10 Feb 2001 04:46:24
1552020-03-13 14:02:32 ← Beam_Inn (~Beam_Inn@unaffiliated/beam-inn/x-3943829) has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1562020-03-13 14:02:43 i Beam_Inn_ is now known as Beam_Inn
1572020-03-13 14:03:32 → amrx (~zbrute@unaffiliated/amrx) has joined ##linux
1582020-03-13 14:03:55 ← peetaur ( has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
1592020-03-13 14:03:55 ← horseface (~horseface@unaffiliated/horseface) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1602020-03-13 14:03:55 i irc: disconnected from server